
Friday, February 22, 2019

Making Kites

         Making Kites

Firstly it was a hot thursday morning and Room 6 and Room 8 was making
Kites .and was putting the stuff on it .

in fact the kite was not flying outsized and os the hole was into buddy and my buddy was Eve me and Eve was making a nice and kind kite together.

Next the classroom was loud and not quiet and we were a little bit quiet. so me,Eve was so quiet in class and mrs t give us some more stuff to work .

In fact the kids was having fun making the kite
And the kites was great and awesome and beautiful making the
Kites .

Lastly the hole class was flying the Kites up in the air and it was
hard to fly the kite up in the air . We had to run around the field again if the kite can fly into the sky .

It was fun to fly the kite and making it .

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