I am a Year 8 learner at Tamaki Primary School in Auckland, New Zealand. I am in Room 8 and my teacher is Miss Ashley.
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Monday, November 16, 2020
Athletics 2020
So on friday the 13th of november tamaki primary school had athletics in term 4 and there were 4 group and the names are ALAMEIN, TRIPOLI, BENGHAZI, and TOBRUK and all of those 4 group had to say their house chants around the bike track. As soon all the house chants were done all the houses had to set under the Gazebo and we had to split into our age group and there were 5 different field events and they were high jump, long jump, stand jump, shot put, discus.
So the first event we did was shot put and after shot put we did standing jump then we did discus and then long jump and after long jump we did high jump. And the teacher who were doing each events were Mr James, Mrs Tefae, Mrs grady, Mr J. but in the standing jump i am last place and in shot put i still came last place and in long jump i came last place but in high jump i still came last place.
After the 5 events we had morning tea and in morning tea we still try to see who the faster girl or boy in the school but most of the little kid go and play with the form shape and most of the big kids well go and play or run on the track to see who the faster boy in the whole school.
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Objectives - cost about (300-400)
Stage , clipper
Focus knob
Coarse focus knob - move the stage up and down
Eyepieces magnify - yellow-100x - bule-400x
And it start on 4x then 10x then 40x.
Monday, November 9, 2020
the refugee story about mahmoud by mariah and nitika
So a 12 year old boy named Mahmoud and his parents are fatima and his dad named himself and his sister named hana and a little brother named waleed and so waleed was watching his TMNT on the T.V and the dad had a watch/phone/money. The taxi-2 rebels jumped in -shot-up-ran away and Waleed was acting like a zombie from the TMNT that was on the T.V. and so Mahmoud and his family moved to syria-turkey-greece but that when hana went missing. And that when the mum went to look for hana. And they are muslim and they pray 5 times a day and they bend down to breath brain and a mosque Quran.
Mahmoud and the mum,dad and waleed slept in the plane and slept in the shop in a country named turkey but they walked to turkey and they gave hana away.
So mahmoud mum used to be a nurse in a war and the dad is an engineer . Mahmoud had no friends when he was growing up but he had one friend named Khalid who defended him. When he was invisible. And so the mum and dad's apartment was damaged. And they live in Aleppo,Syria and they have no way to live but live in a shop or they have to keep on walking to find a place to live in and to find a school for Mahmoud to go and learn about new things and different people.
And so there was a huge hole in there apartment and mahmoud saw a gery-white clouds from the missile strikes blooming all around. And mahmoud was in shook and he was trying to clear the ringing in his head.
After mahmoud and his family finish in turkeys they went from turkey to greece, maeedania, serbia, hungary, Austina and to germany but then when mahmoud mum when to look for hana in germany.
But when mahmoud was in syria they had syira pounds and mahmoud and his family were thinking about moving to a different so mahmoud mum can give hana away to a different person but when they were walking mahmoud mum was looking for hana and that when the mum went looking for hana everywhere and she went to go ask some people if they seen hana or if they seen a little 2 year old walking off somewhere .
And so mahmoud want to disappear again.
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Wind Chimes Part 2
Define these words
Chinking - something taps together and makes a noise
Upriver - going up a river
Ponga - A type of plant
Sentry - guard
Pouwhenua - carved statue
Fatigues and masks - jumpsuit uniform
Staffs - its a stick
Bivouacs - made up tent
Solar lights - light that is powered by the sun
Glow worms - type of insect natice in NZ and it butts in night time.
“Home in on us” - zooming in
Searing blow - painful hit
Remote - isolated far away from places
Radical - somebody fighting back the enemy
What was mums old job?Teacher
Why is the camp called ‘camp radicals’? Because they are radicals and they were fighting back
What is the tikanga about carving pou? So you have to earn the privilege to use the tools
On page 42, why did Tre smile to himself? Cause recognise the pou in the woods.
What was the purpose of the pouwhenua?so it is a warning to find the voids if they are coming to their land.
How could you describe where Tre put his bag down?he put it down in the long tent .
What were the people in the village doing BEFORE Tre and Muse’ arrival? And now?
Who carved the pou?They are learning to fight for themself and they are learning how to make a pot and others were writing and the others were reading.
Why did Tre only murmur “nice one” to Phyn? (Rather than hugging him/celerbating/etc). It was phyn.
Why was Muse leaving in the middle of the night?so she felt bad because she had a tracker .
What was on Muse’s arm?tracker
Who is Phyn in relation to the other characters?tres brother .
Why did Phyn hit Tre and with what?Taiaha
Who will now follow in dads footsteps?phyn
Was it the Phyn was silent written in italics like that?
What was their plan after leaving the camp?
If you were Tre, what would you do in this situation?
Friday, October 16, 2020
π camp explanation text π
Why all kids should go to a school camp.
So all kids should go to a school camp where they can learn new skills and make new friendships and to build more confidence in each other. And join in different groups that you can interact with.
Whanaungatanga is when you can make new friendship or you can build more confidence with each other or you can join and interact with each other in a group so while you are at camp when you see some lonely you can go and make friendship or you can help them with their stuff like unpacking there thing in the room or you can help them clean up in the dining room. And you can learn other people's language and their culture. And the meaning of whanaungatanga is that you can encourage each other to do new things.
Learning new skills
So learning a new skill is what you haven’t done for the first time so the things that you will see is that there is kayaking,paddle board,orientering,beach walk and more but you can do things that are independent.
Break from internet
So the break from the internet is when you can get away from you school work and away from your social media. And get to find the meaning of getting a away from your phone and having fun with you school friends and your teacher.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
π³ the Fragile web of life .π³
Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HURyGlOksR0&t=87s
Link to transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-hqNC56zU5g-UzfefWU8_I3m7qyjNWjDviqw5IqFcbY/edit?usp=sharing
Words from transcript:
Vegetation -All plants
Proliferate - spread
Enabled - allowed, afforded
Microbes - teeny tiny organisms like bacteria
Adversaries - enemies, foes.
Majority - the biggest section
Irrevsible - can’t go back, can’t undo it.
Pulsating - vibrating, moving, alive.
Eco systems - a group of organisms that live together and rely on each other for survival
Pollinators - animals that spread pollen, like bees.
Magnitude - importance
Breeding - making babies
Ensured - make sure. 100% gonna happen.
Summary of ideas:
Paragraph one - organisms/living things came out of the water. Life emerged from the ocean nearly 3 and a half billion years ago.The Earth was covered in plants (vegetation). Different species of animals/organisms evolved over millions of years in different habitats.
Paragraph two - Animals that are predators have less babies, less often, (E.g. humans mostly have one baby at a time) because they will survive. Animals that are prey, have more babies/eggs, more often, because their babies/eggs will get eaten by predators. For example, glow worms lay eggs in batches of 30. When the first egg hatches, that worm eats its siblings as its first food source.
Paragraph three - Animals live in ecosystems, which is like a web or team where all the organisms rely on each other to survive. Some animals eat each other (predator and prey), some trees are homes for animals, some fungi rot the leaves that fall from trees and feed nutrients back into the ground.
Paragraph four - Humans are destroying the planet through pollution, cutting down trees (deforestation) and putting bad gases into the air. We will have lots of animals/species either by killing them or destroying their habitats. Scientists predict that within 30 years, ⅕ of all species on Earth will be extinct.
Paragraph five/six - In a rush to improve our own lives, humans have damaged the planet forever. Species that go extinct can never be brought back to life.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Graph interpretation
Room 8’s graph interpretation
Rosie and Chanel - 15 year olds don’t get bullied as much as Year 9’s.
Kymani and Boston - Year 5’s get physically hurt the most.
Kordell and Saia - Almost 40% of year 5’s and year 9’s were made fun of or called names.
Eve and Lemeki - Year 9’s are called names equal amount to year 5’s.
Nitika and Litia - No 15 year olds reported they had been made to do things they don’t want to do.
Stanley - 15 year olds get bullied the least because they are more mature.
Mariah - Almost 40% of year 5’s and year 9’s were made fun of or called names BECAUSE their younger.
Michael and Wesley - Year 5’s get bullied more than Year 9’s or 15 year olds.
Hope and Maria - Only year 9’s reported that they had embarrassing things posted about them online.
Ana and Senitila - 15 year olds are not being pushed around to do things.
Fereti and Mathew - More year 5’s feel left out of games than Year 9’s and 15 year olds.
Railey and Davlyn - 60% of Year 5’s reported that they have been bullied in some kind of way.
100% of Year 5’s have been bullied.
FALSE0% of 15 year olds reported they had something embarrassing posted about them online.
TRUEMore than 20% of Year 5’s reported having something stolen from them.
TRUE50% of YEar 9’s have been bullied.
TRUE20% of YEar 9’s reported they have been purposefully left out of games.
TRUEFriday, July 31, 2020
Monday, July 27, 2020
Genomics Reading - Notes/Vocab
Monday 27th July 2020
GENOMICS is the study of genes that make up the body.
Organism - a living thing (humans, bugs, birds, animals etc).
XX - female
XY - male
Humans have 22 sets of chromosomes which are made up of A, C, G and T bases. These are in different combinations which change your physical appearance/characteristics.
Identical twins will have the same DNA. Non-identical twins will not.
Friday, July 24, 2020
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Genomics anticipation guide BEFORE
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Title: Skydiving
Written by: Nitika
‘‘Oh yeah’’ said Nitika to her Friend and Nitika said “ .
So on sunday Nitika wanted to skydiving with her Friend and nitika said to her friend ‘‘hey do you want to go skydiving’’ said nitika to her Friend and nitika friend said ‘‘sure why not i alway wanted to try out new things’’ so when nitika and her friend went to this place called “the best skydiving in the world” and nitika said “sure ok so tomorrow we are going skydiving” .
So on monday nitika and her friend was getting ready for their first skydive and nitika said to her Friend “hey i'm a bit nervous and i have butterflies in my stomach” said nitika to her friend and nitikas Friend said “don’t worry about the highest just don’t look down at the ground ok” said nitika friend to nitika. And nitika and her Friend got in the car and drove off to skydive for the first time and by the time they got to the skydive nitika said to her Friend “can we stop and got something to eat on before we go to the skydive” and nitikas friend said “sure why not lets go and got something to eat on the way”.
So secondly nitika and her Friend were nearly to have there first skydive and nitika was super nervous to have her first skydive of plane and nitikas Friend was so happy to fly in the sky and breathe the fresh air of the sky. And nitika was feeling confident about falling off a plane and skydive for her first time in the sky. And nitika her friend were at the skydiving place and they mate a guy named jet and jet was a very nice person and he told nitika “hey don’t be sacred about falling off a plane just think about that you are flying in the sky” .
And nitika said to jet “um thank you for making me feel so confident and trying out new thing in the sky” and nitikas Friend said “see you are building up your confident of trying out new things”
So nitika and her Friend were getting ready for there first skydive but they have to watch a video of how to skydive and after watching the video of how to skydive and so nitika and her friend have to put on a jumpsuit and some gloves and goggles and boots and after putting all those they have to go on plane and fly up above the could and after fly up to the sky they had to jump off the plane.
Friday, July 3, 2020
sea of death
On a creepy night there was a girl named Ana and a boy named Micheal and they were best friends in their town.
So Ana was on her way for a swim at the beach so she got into the water and swam for 1 minute and when she was finished swimming she called her mum to come and pick her up from the beach. And so Ana’s mum was on her way but while Ana was waiting for her mum she went for another swim but when she went for another swim she saw something unusual and she saw lots of people in the sea and she said ‘‘oh wow there is something in the water’’ said Ana and Ana mum was waiting for her in the car and when she hopped into the car she said ‘‘hi mum how was your day today’’ said Ana and Ana mum said ‘‘oh my day was good thanks’’ .
Well Ana and Micheal were busy swimming in the ocean Micheal said ‘‘wow Ana you should look at this said Micheal to Ana and ‘‘BOOM!’’ Ana fell into one of the people that was in front of her and she swam up and started to see something that was glowing in the ocean and she swam back down to get a closer look at the thing that she saw in the ocean and she shook and she told Michael What she saw in the ocean and she said to Micheal ‘‘hey michael you should look at this’’ said ana and Micheal said ‘‘sure’’ and ‘‘wow look that’’ said Micheal. And Micheal and Anna were so shook that they couldn’t talk about anything that they saw in the ocean but lucky they thought to tell everyone about what they have in the ocean.
Friday, June 26, 2020
Monday, June 22, 2020
Monday, June 15, 2020
Baking Bubble Slices
Friday, June 12, 2020
Thursday, June 11, 2020
information report about george floyd
So George Floyd had big plans for life over nearly 30 years ago . His death in police custody is a powering movement against police brutality and racial injustice .
Growing up in one of huston’s poorest neighborhoods, he enjoyed a star turn as a basketball and football player, with three catches for 18 yards in a state championship game in his junior year.
He was one of his first siblings to go college, and he did so on an athletic scholarship. But he returned to Texas after a couple of years, and lost nearly a decade to arrests and incarcerations on mostly drug-related offenses. By the time he left his home town for good a few years ago, moving 1,200 miles to minneapolis for work, he was ready for a fresh start .
When traveled to Houston in 2018 for his mother’s funeral — they died two years, one week apart — he told his family that Minneapolis had begun to feel like home . He had his mother’s name tattooed on his belly, a fact the noted in his autopsy report .
And so Mr. floyd was born in Fayetteville, N.C, to George Perry and larcenia Floyd . But he was really from houston neighborhood called the Bricks .

Monday, June 8, 2020
Friday, May 29, 2020
samoan dance
π samoan art week 7 π
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
π the great barrier reef π week 7
Occurs - Happens
Explain How/Why corals go white:
They expel their symbiotic algae living in their tissues, causing them to turn completely white.
Explain what this is:
This is a PH scale. A PH scale is something people use to tell what is deadly and what is not deadly. The most deadly things are on 0 and 14 but the most not deadly thing is on 7 such as blood and water
Explain how acidification kills coral and sea life:
The climate change makes the water warmer and the zooxanthellae leaves the
Coral and the coral dies.
Explain what this is:
This is the layers of the ocean. The sunlight is the top of the ocean and that is where the corals are. The bottom of the ocean is called Trenches zone and that is where the sea creatures like planktons live.
Here is a photo of planktons in the dark.
Explain what would happen is plankton died:
if the planktons died then the sea creatures such as baleen whales would die because there is no other food to eat.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
π the great barrier reef π
Friday, May 22, 2020
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Page 35
Geophone - a pair of discs shaped as a microphone connected to earpieces .
Inevitable - a situation that is unavoidable.
Distinguish - recognize or treat (someone or something) as different.
What does geophone mean? (Split into “geo” and “phone”)
What things were they listening for on the Geophones?
Explain in your own words how a Geophone works (add a picture of one).
( My summary )
Underground soldiers page 36 and 37
Link to text: http://instructionalseries.tki.org.nz/content/download/27600/292333/file/L4%20June%202014%20Underground%20Soldiers.pdf
New words:
Sleet - Rain containing ice
Stalemate - a draw, a tie, two teams are even, nobody is winning
Canadian - soldiers from Canada
German-held territory -
Boobytraps - trap of something made for people who tresspass
Landmine - a bomb that explode when people step on it
Retreating - going back to their own area/country
Withdrew - giving up and leaving
My summary:
Railey- on April the 9th of 1917 the big explosion was finally made and people had made sacrifices and the Germans had finally surrendered and people started repairing streets and roads, and built a museum and had a memorial of the people that have died .
Wesley-On the 9th April 1917 the Britain and Canadian troops finally could use the tunnels in Arras. The NZ tunnelers stayed back and built bridges and found landmines. Nearly 40 thousand allied people died
Davlyn- in 1917 the allies broke through the german line so the germans retreated but they left the land mines behind. While the people were going to the tunnels they got shot or get injured so they had to get carried to the underground hospital and get fixed.
Eh htoo- April 1917 there was a three big explosion the Germans lane then allies came running out of the tunnel in the explosion the allies killed a lot of the Germans the allies took 11 kilometres into German territory
Then the German fought back lots of British and Canadian soldiers died some were wounded at taken to the hospital in the exit tunnels if there was no underground cave system lot may have died after the war the allies built Bridge, road, gun post
Nitika - on april 1917 the underground city was ready . The British and candida troops moved in-at 5.30 am on monday , an enormous were ripped thought the air , Then in to the freezing wind .
Michael-By early April 1917, the underground city was ready. British and canadian moved in. There was an enormous explosion and german people got caught. The german people retreated and left. So the NZ soldiers/people built roads,bridges,gun posts. They built a Havrincourt bridge. The allies even tried to find the germans boobytraps.
Mariah - By early April 1917 the underground city was open.The British and Canadian troops moved in and at 5.30 a.m. on Easter Monday, an enormous explosion ripped through the air.Nearly forty thousand Allied troops were killed in the Battle of Arras. But without the underground cave system, many more might have died.
Hope - By early 1917 there were three massive piles of explosives. British and Canadian moved in. There was an enormous explosion and the german people got caught. But then later on the Germans fought back and the wounded British and Canadian were carried back down. Without the underground cave system many more would have died from the war. By 1918 the German troops left behind some boobytraps but then the tunnellers found them and blew them up carefully. The tunneling company returned to Auckland in 1919. Now Arras has special visitors and has a lift that takes you to the underground museum. They also have a memorial for the NZ tunnellers that died.
Lemeki- World war one started in august 1914. In the world war the germans and britain's soldiers were fighting.but in the middle of the two trenches was the no man's land. So the two teams had
an idea of tunnelling so each team was digging tunnels to each other were fighting and they were using boom and guns.When the war ends many soldiers die.
Extra sources:
Page 36
When did the battle of Arras happen? Who was involved?
On 9 of April 1917 to 16 of April 1917.
How long was the battle supposed to last?
Between 18 months and two years
Why was this battle so important to the war?
To break the stalemate to get across no mans land.
How many Allied soldiers died in this battle? Nearly 40 thousand allies died
How were many Allied soldiers able to be saved? (hint: remember what else they built in the caves..) the Allied were saved because they built a hospital in the caves to save some soldiers.
How many German soldiers died in this battle? 150,000
Page 37.
What was the new task the soldiers of the NZ Tunnelling company did? Why was this task important? Havrincourt Bridge, they build roads, gun post
How was this new job dangerous, in a way they hadn’t experienced before? Shooting, digging, mining, supporting, defending. They were above ground instead of below ground.
Once the Germans started retreating, what was the NZ soldiers new job? They had to find landmines there called boobytraps.
Why did these soldiers stay in Europe much longer than other soldiers?
To check if the enemy might come back and guard.
How is the work these soldiers did remembered in Arras?
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Monday, May 4, 2020
Typing test
Today during our online class my teacher made a challenge for the class . The challenge was to do a typing test to see who can type the fastest . Most of the class did this challenge and when we are finish we had to take a screenshot of our Records and blog about which is what am doing right now . For my Adjust speed i got 8 , typing speed i got 36, I also got 7 words misspelt . That means that i am a slow typer .
WATL maths
Change these decimals into percentages (put it next to the decimal).
| |||
12 %
99 %
76 %
76 %
80 %
34 %
100 %
45 %
200 %
123 %
99 %
44 %
145 %
32 %
865 %
56 %
145 %
9 %
365 %
7 %
122 %
134 %
120.9 %
23 %
6 %
776.0 %
45.0 %
87.0 %
32 %
124.0 %
8 %
157.9 %
3 %
240 %
4 %
204 %
1 %
1 %
12 %
To change from percentages to decimals, do the opposite.
| |||