
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Page 35

Geophone - a pair of discs shaped as a microphone connected to earpieces .

Inevitable - a situation that is unavoidable.

Distinguish - recognize or treat (someone or something) as different.

What does geophone mean? (Split into “geo” and “phone”)

What things were they listening for on the Geophones?

What other things could they probably hear? (if not sure, read through this for a hint).

Explain in your own words how a Geophone works (add a picture of one).

Describe a day in the life of a Geophone operator during WW1 in Arras, from the time he got up to the time he went to sleep again.

( My summary )

A geophone is a device that converts movement . (velocity) into voltage which may be recorded at a recording station . the deviation of this measured voltage from the base line . and it is called the seismic

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